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N Dwarf Signals (Qty.3)
This signal can be built static or operational using the micro tri-color LED. The N Scale signal head measures 0.155" high by 0.079" wide (that's just the head not mounted). The dwarf signal target background is used in areas where it"s harder to see the signal light against other lights in the immediate area.

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SKU: 513
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  • This signal can be built static or operational using the micro tri-color LED. The N Scale signal head measures 0.155" high by 0.079" wide (that's just the head not mounted). The dwarf signal target background is used in areas where it"s harder to see the signal light against other lights in the immediate area. Railroads do not install the background target if the signal is near a walking area or very tight clearance between tracks. The CNW and SooLine used the dwarf signal backgrounds on some signals and not others. The signal head is produced in resin at this time. Detailed instructions on how to light this signal are included. LEDs, if desired, must be ordered separately. Please read the helpful review on this signal.
    • Dwarf Signal
      This is a very small, but detailed signal light for my train station, still working on landscape then will install it



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    • Looks great
      Have not built yet so can’t comment on ease of build or led performance



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    • GRS realistic Dwarf signal
      Hello. I'm retired from railroad after 37 years and this is the best realistic N scale GRS dwarf signal I've ever seen . These signals are easy to assemble and when placed on your layout at your siding switch or junction clearance points , mimic the appearance of a real opperating railroad no matter if they are equipped with leds or just a static display they look great . The dwarfs on my layout also have the sunshade backgrond added since on the CNW many had this feature and are included in the kit . Thanks for making such a quality product !!


      Butler . WI

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    • Great Solution to N Scale Signaling
      N scale doesn't exactly have many options for working signals, especially dwarf signals. I was happy to see these in one of the hobby magazines. I purchased them with the companion LED's.

      The instructions were very clear on how to install the LED's. As well as drilling out a hole for the light to shine through the front of the signal, I also had to use a rotary tool to remove some material for the LED to fit inside. I mounted the signals to a short piece of wooden dowel to make it easier to install on my layout. I also added larger gauge wires to the leads. I connected each signal to a Digitrax SE8C signal decoder using their terminal strip mounting kit. JMRI controls the signals based on block occupancy and turnout position. The mounting kits include a 100 ohm resistor so I added a 270 ohm resistor to reduce the current to the recommended value. I'm happy with the brightness and color. I did find out with help from Showcase Miniatures that the included stamped metal piece contains the back cover and a couple of other pieces intended for another product. So you only need the back cover piece. The rest can be discarded. I'm very happy with the results.
      Alex G


      Streamwood, IL

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