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HO Power Meters and Empty Meter Bases
This kit includes a total of 16 power meters with weather heads Supply your own 0.020' or 0.025" brass wire or styrene rod to fit the length needed between the meter and the weather head according to your structure needs.

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SKU: 2331
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  • This kit includes a total of 16 power meters with weather heads Supply your own 0.020' or 0.025" brass wire or styrene rod to fit the length needed between the meter and the weather head according to your structure needs.
    • Great detal
      Adds a great deal of realism and depth. Everything was handled perfectly 
      Chicago modeler


      Chicago, Illinois

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    • Very welcome details that can be added to the exterior of any building
      As with all Showcase Miniatures metal casting detail parts, the HO Power Meter Bases have minimal flashing or casting lines. All that is required is a quick swipe with a No. 11 blade to prepare the components for assemble, painting and installation.
      Rockwood R.W.


      Winnipeg, Canada

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    • Nice units add visual appeal to buildings
      I had previously purchased meters and bases, which came with clear plastic caps that added realism. This batch, a different part number, did not have them. However, once painted they looked acceptable, especially when viewed from a few feet away. The meters can be banked using styrene strip that you supply, if there are multiple apartments or businesses in the building. I recommend using Shapeways' power poles and transformers, and prewiring the building to the pole before attaching to the layout, as this can be very fiddly work.



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